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You Have Not Delivered Your People

Yes, you read that right. You have not delivered your people.

Who do you think would have the audacity to tell God such a thing? Surely it must be an unbeliever who is accusing God! Or maybe it is Satan himself!

No. The one who said those words was none other than Moses himself. Yes, the writer of the Pentateuch and hero of the faith.

He said, “Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done harm to this people, and You have not delivered Your people at all.” Exodus 5:23

There are times in our lives – and maybe it is right now during the COVID19 pandemic- where we see no end to our agony. There is no timeline we can look forward to.

Perhaps you have lost some loved ones or have been furloughed. It seems like as soon as you start praying, things get worse. Maybe you regret ever praying for that matter.

Be strong; God has not uttered His last word.

We read in Exodus 15:2 that same Moses joyfully singing, “The LORD is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.”

Your story is not over. The COVID19 story is not over. In fact, let me share with you some of the miracles that God has done with 4G3 ministry during the COVID19 season.

Before COVID19, 4G3 was reaching between 800-1000 participants per month with individual courses, not counting the Discipleship Institutes.

Since COVID19 and because we started training on zoom, YouTube, and Facebook Live, we have reached between 1.8K to 4K every month. Attendees are from six countries: Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrain, USA. The facilitators are also from all those countries.

The courses that were taught were: Secrets of Happiness (based on Philippians), Love, Sex and Lasting Relationships by Chip Ingram; and Power to Change Your Life.

Never in our wildest dreams would we have thought this humanly possible.

Hang in there, God has not said His final word. Maybe all you see now is that God has not rescued you, but, do not give up. Hold on to Jesus. The final word is indeed HIS.


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