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I Thought I was Pretty Generous

I always thought of myself as a pretty generous giver. Until last week!

Last week, while we were with the Sudanese refugees ministering to them and loving on them, we could feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit. The freedom, the forgiveness, the healing was palpable. On the last day of the conference, the conference center asked us to check out of our rooms before the morning session.

I took my Michael Kors handbag to the meeting, not knowing what God had planned. I bought this bag at an estate sale for a low price. I loved it because it was the right color, a good size, and had many pockets that made it quite practical. was a Mickael Kors bag.

As I entered the meeting room, a Sudanese refugee woman looked at me and smiled. She said, ‘Do you know what I want you to do? I want you to empty this bag and give it to me.” She quickly laughed as if she didn’t really mean what she said.

Not giving the incident a second thought, I went into the meeting room and sat down on a chair at the very back of the conference room.

“When someone asks you for something, give it to him (her).” I was reminded of Matthew 5:42.

“Lord, but I love this bag.” I argued. “Every time you carry this bag, you will remember that you were disobedient to Me. You will come to hate this bag.” The Lord answered.


With grudging obedience, I emptied the bag into a zip-lock wishing the woman would refuse taking it.

During lunchtime, I called the lady out of the lunch area and gave her the bag. She was overcome by emotion. She cried hugging me, saying that she did not really mean it. “This is your Father’s gift to you.” Literally, I thought.

I am telling you this story not to boast but to give God the Glory He deserves. God will take us on our journey with Him to a higher level of giving, the excruciating sacrificial giving.

Sacrificial giving is never easy. It is costly. It is painful, but oh, so worth it. Today, it is Giving Tuesday.

We are hoping to raise $15,000 today.

These funds will help us fund ten new disciples in one of 4G3’s discipleship Institutes, emboldening displaced and persecuted Christians in the Middle East to stand firm in their faith.

Come into the adventure of sacrificial giving.

Dr. Laila Risgallah Wahba


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