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Don't be afraid. Jesus is with us.

This is the story of Hannah (not her real name) a Syrian refugee who is one of the students at one of 4G3 Discipleship Institutes:

"My husband came to the Lord before me. I was really frustrated that he came to Jesus and I hated Jesus. I despised my husband and I wanted a divorce because I could not live with a Christian husband while I am a Muslim.

We wanted to leave Istanbul and go live somewhere else. The pastor of the church asked us, “ What if God doesn’t want you to leave Istanbul?” I responded, “We would still leave even if He doesn’t want us to leave. “The next day we took a van to leave Istanbul to another place. It was a very scary experience. We faced a lot of difficulties on the road. At one point during our trip my husband told me, “Don’t be afraid Jesus is with us.” At that moment I felt a hand pat my back. Within seconds we had a huge accident. My husband broke his hip joint. I broke my arm and I had a lot of bruises. At that moment I saw Jesus standing in front of me. I realized that He did not want us to leave Istanbul and that He was calling me to follow Him. We returned to Istanbul in an ambulance and spent three months at the hospital.

I realized that God saved my life because He wanted me to live for Him. The pastor of the church visited us every single day during those three months at the hospital. I had never seen such love before. I was amazed that he still loved me although I had rejected Jesus. After three months both of us were in very good health and I decided that I needed to follow Jesus for the rest of my life now. Now I know that God kept me safe because He knew that I belong to him. Praise be to God."

As we enter the special time of the holidays, giving thanks and spending time with loved ones, we are counting our blessings for you. Your prayers and generosity are making a significant impact in the Middle East. Thank you for standing firm with us. It means so much.

4G3 is on a mission to embolden displaced and persecuted Christians in the Middle East to stand firm in their faith.


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