"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." – 2 Timothy 2:2

We want to take a moment to celebrate the impact YOU made through the 4G3 Discipleship Institutes in 2024. Your generosity has equipped and empowered disciples to stand firm in their faith and lead others in transformative ways.Because of your support: Hundreds of participants deepened their faith and leadership through intensive discipleship training. New groups were formed in the Middle East and beyond, multiplying the impact of God’s Word across communities of persecuted Christians. Lives were transformed as individuals grew in biblical knowledge, character, and a passion to disciple others.
Below is your 2024 Impact Report, highlighting the incredible ways God worked through 4G3 this year—all because of your faithfulness.
Thank you for believing in this mission. We pray you are encouraged knowing that your generosity is making an eternal difference. If you’d like to continue investing in this vital work, we invite you to join us again in 2025 as we continue raising up leaders for God’s Kingdom.